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3DFaster than light...

omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
yet not through hyperspace..

rojrenWarp Propulsion LaboratoryLizzy777Freakscifieric


  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member

    Really miss SGU, it was just getting going.... wish you could get the soundtrack.. you can hear those synth guitar cords playing looking at this image..

    Great Job!!
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    markmassey wrote: »

    Really miss SGU, it was just getting going....

    Great Job!!

    Yeah, me too man. Don't get me wrong I liked SG1 and Atlantis both, but SGU was more like Stargate for grown ups. It was gritty, political, and more along the lines of what you'd expect from people when put in that type of situation.

    Great job omnipotent, hope to see you do one of the ship recharging.
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