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PracticalFirst 3D model design for printing, Cobra fighter

srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
edited November 2020 in Work in Progress #1
The reason for creating this model was to learn a 3D program and 3D printing. A couple of years ago I tried Sketch-up, Blender, but they were not quite working the way I wanted them to. I found 123 Design which was easy and intuitive to create with. Eventually 123D was not supported anymore by Auto Desk, but basic F360 was available to try for free. After being denied and than approved for F360 free version, I've been using it ever since. After playing/learning for a year, I decided to create a physical model based on a design created solely on the computer.

I had always liked the Viper design created by Brian Larson way back in 2006 or so. So I tried my hand at it. It was slow going as I learned the program, but I eventually created a model ready to print, although somewhat less graceful. Turning the F360 files into STL files was a matter of two clicks.
I made all of the fitment tolerances as tight as I would if this were a traditional physical model. Everything fit as I designed it when I received the printed parts, so I was quite impressed with the printing process.
Feed back welcome on the F360 files, it is my first CAD project.

You can see the build process here;

The physical model;2m0mgstofi51.jpg

Brian's design;
My F360 design;
The printed model;

Thanks for looking, updates as I get further along on the build.

Post edited by srspicer on
Lizzy777FreakWarp Propulsion LaboratorywolfmanpubliusrRekkertkomaro


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