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3DEnterprise Redesign 2020

evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
edited July 2020 in Work in Progress #1
Edit to update thread thumbnail:


Original post starts here:

So, it’s that time again, time to play around with the TOS Enterprise design. But, rather than just model the ship, (I have one of those) I’m doing a redesign. I’ve done this sort of thing before, but it’s been years and I don’t have those models anymore. Initially, this was going to be a ship in the Kelvin timeline, but as I was working on it, it became more my style than anything else. But, there are some Kelvin inspired bits, such as the saucer section. And, there will be more familiar bits that pop in as I go, since I’m drawing inspiration from a number of sources.





Anyway, everything is pretty preliminary so far, and is subject to change. The main bulk of the saucer, secondary hull and nacelles probably won’t get redone. And, I’ve done the warp pylons twice and am pretty happy with them, so they’re not likely to change. Everything else may get redone, though.
Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
Warp Propulsion LaboratoryP5ych0p4throjrenRekkertLizzy777Freak


  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Excellent work so far, Chris! I can't wait to see what you do.
  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    Looking great so far! Very subtle. Which is great, since there isn’t much to improve on that Jeffries design
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    Very nice start!
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Good start. I'm looking forward to seeing this develop.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Thanks a lot, everyone. :)
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1933 CaliforniaPosts: 2,085Member
    Things I love:
    The improvement to the Engine Pylons (Excellent)
    The new bridge (really good)
    The neck (I'm going to say excellent - its the one area there isn't a clear shot of)
    How you are handling the main hull around the front deflector (really good)

    The ridge on the saucer needs a balance. It may be in an odd place. You might want to do like the movie Enterprise and put a larger scoring line a little back from the edge of the saucer to go with it. :)

    I will greatly enjoy following your progress on this.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    edited May 2020 #8
    Thanks Brandenberg. Ironically...

    Just a quick update before I go to work. I’ve redone the whole bridge area. I wasn’t happy with the look I had previously, so I redid the bridge to one inspired by the Phase II model that was being built 42 years ago. I also redid the B deck structure beneath and added a swoopy spoony thing (technical term) that goes back to the impulse area.



    The neck is going to be redone. I'm not happy with it at all, so it's basically a placeholder at present. As I said in my original post, the ridge on the saucer is based on the Kelvin Timeline ships. True story: it's actually the same size as the top part of the TOS Enterprise saucer that curves up. The only difference is that it's raised slightly off of the hull, rather than going flush with it. There will be more details added later that should balance it out more.

    The secondary hull is two pieces, I'll show that later.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1933 CaliforniaPosts: 2,085Member
    edited May 2020 #9
    I see balance - the swoopy spoony thing helps. It helps you see the shape of the ridge.
    LOVE the new bridge. I thought the last one was really good but I agree this is better.
    Post edited by Brandenberg on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Thanks bro. Yeah, I plan to do some serious (but still subtle) details in the "flat" part of the saucer, and use the ridge to put things like the phasers. Also, I plan to put a big ol' registry just like the Kelvin in Star Trek (2009.)
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Very, very nice work, Chris.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Thanks Eric.
  • MikeFinleyMusicMikeFinleyMusic172 Posts: 60Member
    Really love this
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Nothing too major here. I redid the neck and started on the impulse engine. That pretty much does it for main structures, it's on to details next. I'll probably start with the shield grid and windows, to get that stuff out of the way.



    Also, here's one for Brandenberg, who asked how the secondary hull was put together:

  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    Looks great ... the neck flowing in a spine that way is a nice callback to the Galaxy Class
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    P5ych0p4th wrote: »
    Looks great ... the neck flowing in a spine that way is a nice callback to the Galaxy Class

    Thanks. I really like doing the necks on my ships that way.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2074 Central OhioPosts: 1,265Member
    Didn't the TMP refit do that a bit also?

    Either way it looks great
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Didn't the TMP refit do that a bit also?

    Yes, it did. The torpedo launcher has a smooth transition into the spine of the secondary hull. Mine is just a longer arc.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1933 CaliforniaPosts: 2,085Member
    edited May 2020 #19
    Callback or call forward? :)

    Anyway the neck is great. I am also really loving the clean looking impulse drive. Another thing that I like is the slight flairing of the engine pylons where they meet the engine and hull.
    Post edited by Brandenberg on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1933 CaliforniaPosts: 2,085Member
    Please take this all the way. It's a great design.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Thanks man. :)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice Chris. That neck is stunning.
  • Hunter GHunter G1925 Posts: 544Member

    Also, here's one for Brandenberg, who asked how the secondary hull was put together:


    Good start! And I like that angle ^ ^

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Thanks guys.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Another quick update. I started on the shield grid lines. As always, these aren’t difficult to do, just long and tedious.



    I also changed the vent style on my impulse engines, I like this much better. It's based on the Phase II ship's impulse engines. And, I added some vents to the top of the saucer, to the port and starboard of the impulse reactors. I figure those would be good should it be necessary to purge the deuterium tanks. Of course, if that happened, the ship would be stuck with only warp drive and thrusters, but one would assume it would be an emergency measure and not something you’d do under normal circumstances, much like a warp core ejection.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    I’ve decided to do this model differently than I do a lot of my models. Usually, I do all of the grid lines first and then windows, because those are both tedious. However, I decided this time to just complete an area and then move on. So, I’m doing the saucer top first. I started with some RCS thrusters, phasers and access panels. I also added the upper registry and a couple other things. I’m trying to keep the details balanced between stuff I like from different sources, including the original Enterprise, the TMP refit and the Kelvin Timeline ships. I also plan to do some stuff that will (hopefully) be unique to me.




    For the phasers, I decided to make them turrets, rather than just nubs with holes in them. I think this looks more realistic and less refined than the later era phasers. I could have cut the access panels into the hull, but there would have been little benefit as you won’t be able to tell in most renders. And, of course, the text won’t be visible most of the time either. **shrugs**


    For the RCS thrusters, I went with a vent look.
    BrandenbergWarp Propulsion LaboratoryFreakgerb200
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    I like that very much, keep it up. :)
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Striking a really good balance with the influences there. Not having a direct forward phaser bank feels wrong though, haha.
  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    Looking really really great. Love all those little details. It’s a hard ship to do a redesign for, since the original is pretty much perfect, when it comes to the proportions. Can’t wait to se the finished ship.

    However, I Feel like the registry feels a little cramped. I’s spread it out a little more over the whole saucer. A little like this:

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    edited May 2020 #30
    Thanks guys. :D
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    Not having a direct forward phaser bank feels wrong though, haha.

    Yeah, I thought about that too. I may do one on the underside.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1933 CaliforniaPosts: 2,085Member
    Your work - yeah baby! :)
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