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3DValkyrie013's Various models and doo dads..



  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Hello all!
    Continuing on my Enterprise era, and Early Federation ( I like that Era! So many possibilities!)
    First is the Enterprise Era Cruiser.
    Sort of not really based off of a John Eaves sketch.. Just took the concept of a saucer and pylon/nacelle placement.. So sort of like a "Reliant" version of an Nx.. sort of.. its smaller saucer than an Nx..
    Wanted to do a Non ventral landing bay.. but had to think of a way for the pods to land Without tractor beams guiding them.. So.. Magnets! :)
    Pod comes in to land and lands on an open area on a magnetic cradle/pad. then the pod is brought in on the pad/rails into the ship. There's enough room for the pod to rotate 360 in the bay. also made a cross rail for the pad to bring a pod to the other bay.
    behind the launch bay though the garage doors, is a cargo bay with 2 more pods ( i put them hanging from the ceiling for room)

    So this is done in the modeling phase, rooms and textures are next though, don't know when I'll get to them, my wimpy work computer doesn't do textures well without crashing.. ( Need a new more powerful one.. one day!)

    So, thanks all!
  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    Looks great! That is one sexy behind 😁

    I‘m writing this, while watching the Enterprise Pilot on Netflix 😅
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972338 Posts: 1,216Member
    That's a great ship and model. I also love that era of Trek.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Both models are looking great.

    I've got some closeups of the robot (yes, it's a robot) on the bottom here:
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Very cool design!
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    That is a genius of an evolution from the NX-01 enterprise. I didn't really take to the one that was actually proposed. Yours is much better.

    Agree with Rekkert.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks all for the Liking of the ship! I'm usually hit or miss on my original designs :)

    So for those who would like it.. here's an Ortho of it. so you can see it better :)


  • MikeFinleyMusicMikeFinleyMusic172 Posts: 60Member
    That's beautiful! Absolutely love it. And all your ships, actually. Incredibly clean models.

    And your original design is a really excellent style - there's elements from Enterprise, Disco and TOS all meeting nicely in the middle.

    Do you still have a link to the Disco orthos? The link you posted earlier seems to be down.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    yeah he cleared his website of Disco ships.. sadly.. there still around somewhere.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    more fun!
    If I'm going to do Enterprise Era stuff.. guess I have to do an Intrepid

    Some nice ortho's available.. but that's almost it! few here or there perspectives..
    But, getting along, referencing the NX alot. ( have to build one of those ..eventually..)
    So.. without further ado.. :)


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Looks great.

    The orthos that are available are fantastic, though. Rob Bonchune rendered those. For perspective shots, you've gotta go with the handful of shots from the episodes that had the model in it. Having said that, it looks like you've got the details all hammered out.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    Nice work. I need to do an Intrepid someday.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Love this ship.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Hello All!
    I really need to take a bit of time and do some WIP renders of what I'm doing.. Just my work computer is a wimp and crashes on renders.. ugh..

    Okay, the Olympic class from All Good Things!
    I am done with it!
    Made this for printing so some details are abit exaggerated!
    This one was weird as in.. there are almost ( a side shot from a book or something) no orthographic references, found a Ton of good pics of the actual studio model, so its probably off in some ways, but is quite faithful mostly!
    So here we are! Thanks!

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Looks great, bro.

    It's not surprising there aren't a lot of orthos for this. It's not a massively prominent ship. Also, there wasn't the usual design process that went into a lot of Star Trek ships. Bill George built it as a personal project in his spare time and it just happened to be what they needed for All Good Things. After it was used on the show, it was returned to Bill George. He's probably responsible for a lot of the photos that are available of the ship.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    Very nice. There are things about this ship that are not easy to do.

    I'm curious about your computer that you crash with renders. How old is it?
    Which 3D software do you use? I apologize if you have mentioned this elsewhere.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    I work in Maya, and I use a mini computer ( Stick or thumb computer) at work, with 2gb of ram and an atom processor. Basically your phone is probably more powerful!
    It works, but just slows down once I get to a certain point, and can do renders, just usually not of the whole completed ship.
    I should get another one, but.. what do I do with this one? Its a slight annoyance is all, and can live with it till it dies.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    edited July 2020 #49
    I work in Maya, and I use a mini computer ( Stick or thumb computer) at work, with 2gb of ram and an atom processor. Basically your phone is probably more powerful!
    It works, but just slows down once I get to a certain point, and can do renders, just usually not of the whole completed ship.
    I should get another one, but.. what do I do with this one? Its a slight annoyance is all, and can live with it till it dies.
    I asked because I have half a mind to mail you some of my leftover parts that I am not using anymore. I know they are newer (I think by quite a bit) than what you describe.

    You're so thrifty. I wonder if you have Scottish in you like me. :) I had to accept that stuff gets out of date and even though it works, it's time to let go.
    Ultimately, such talent should be backed up by a good computer.
    Post edited by Brandenberg on
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    actually have some scottish :)
    Oh no, I have a good machine at home, just what I bought at the time, have another picked out when this one croaks, Im good! :)
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    Nice work on the Olympic. It's such an unusual ship for Starfleet that I think most people doing fanart kinda overlook it.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    I have always loved the Olympic, would have been nice to see it in service in the later seasons DS9 with the war.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    actually have some scottish :)
    Oh no, I have a good machine at home, just what I bought at the time, have another picked out when this one croaks, Im good! :)
    Well there ya have it Laddie. :)

  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    Monarch is my fav— I’d like to see variations of that.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks All!
    Finished up an old file, was like 60% done, but wanting to get away from trek for abit..
    This is the Tie Predator from the Star Wars Legacy Comics. Quite a good story, sadly got yanked when the Mouse bought it.
    ABY 130-138 I believe, so 100 years latter.
    This is he empire's latest Tie, has a hyperdrive, shields. Comes in 2 variants, the regular Tie front and the Slit windows.

    All done with it, next is going to be its companion, the X wing of that time. Stay Tuned!


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    I'm not familiar with the design, but it looks cool.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    now is the X-83 TwinTail star fighter from Star Wars Legacy Comic. Supposedly a successor to the venerable X-Wing from the Empire era.


    No much in references, some comic drawings and some rando's ortho's which were.. meh.. but a starting point.
    So , 5 hours in. at the point of figuring out details and "Greebling" it up!
    so finaly a Wip! :)

  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Sweet, love that Olympic class since it premiered on TNG. Glad to see it here. Do you plan on texturing it?
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Eventually, I make all my stuff for 3d printing purposes, with the ocasional exception. but I did save a version of the Olympic before I "glued" itall together so I have a version to texture. So one day.. the Blue aztecs looks to be a pain! :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    I like that design. It looks like an X-Wing blended with a P-38 Lightning.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Okay, I done some back of the napkin math and came up with 2 different lengths for the Cerritos.
    1st is using the MSD from the first episode. Taking a 4 meter deck height comes to round about 450 Meters. 280m Saucer Length.

    2nd one uses the windows from the exterior. Same 4 meter deck height, comes to 680 Meters in length. 420m Saucer length.

    3rd one is the somewhat accepted 3.5 deck height, and that is 575m length

    Exterior one is well thought out with the windows lining up nicely on the outside.
    So untill someone "official" comes out as a length, then I'll err on the 575 Meter length for my 3d stuff.

    So.. Here it is!
    Going off the Msd that has a side and a mostly top view, and a whole lot of screen caps ( Happy animation is well lit! )
    so this is my "Best Guess" at blocking it out.
    Saucer has all the bits on it, need to figure out the shield grid and sensors etc.
    rest is still working on. Any info or tidbits would be most appreciated!


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