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3DUSS Enterprise NCC-1701D Engineering Interior

shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
edited July 2019 in Work in Progress #1
Greetings, I am a new member here and by recommendation of a friend who pointed this site out to me, I was encouraged to share my work so far on this project. As the title shows, I am in the process of creating the most accurate representation of the Enterprise D's Engineering roomspace. I realize this can get rather large, so I'm taking my time, using as many resources I can to build it up right. For now, this is what I have so far. I should also add that this is all being done in Sketchup and Vray, so go easy on me as far as accurate lighting and such. Everything seen here is modeled (including the labels and the door control panels). For the displays (when the time comes), I'll place textures, but for now, those are just blank screens.9ufrt7pxccpj.jpg
Post edited by shaved_ape on
evil_genius_180lennier1Lizzy777I14R10ViperRekkertBrandenbergscifiericMcCFreakand 2 others.


  • JMoneyJMoney189 Posts: 127Member

    Love everything I'm seeing. Modeling looks clean, love the lighting and reflections on the screens, and even the carpet looks good. I'm no expert but the proportions seem correct. Can't wait to see it with all the screen textures in. Great job!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,180Member
    Welcome to the site. :) That looks great so far.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member

    Great start, looking forward to seeing more of it. :)
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1921 CaliforniaPosts: 2,077Member
    That's an awesome piece of work there Mr. Shaved! :)
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,415Member
    A warm welcome,
    Everything with SketchUp, very good. I take off my hat.
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Thank you all for your welcomes and comments. To answer @trekki , yes everything seen is modeled in SU, rendered in Vray. I found that some features shown on STNG as textures (or lit panels) aren't so easy to create textures for, so I hunkered down and modeled them. I'll try to get a closer render created of the door control panel, to show that honestly, modeled textures do look better, but can inflate the file size a bit. The panel labels (or Okudagrams, if you will) are another that were easier to model, due to the fact that have different wording, so again, it's easier to create them, make them components and then distribute where necessary. Off screen, I have a lot of these sitting in space, waiting to be used. :)

    Isolinear chips are modeled at proper scale, and even use an emmissive texture, but the higher the brightness, the more they meld together, so i am still trying to get the right brightness. I created a back panel inside to house them, as well as the glass panel in front, to bring out the reflections and make it more accurate. When I get to Geordie's Office, the workstations on the back wall will house the same "chip banks" and should cast some good light in the slightly darker area. I have a separate model file for just those workstations that I may post here, to show off an "exploded" view of how the workstations are put together, complete with an open back wall, that shows conduit routing, structural members and how everything ties in.

    In general, this roomspace is the most difficult to model, due to the many changes that occurred on the show. My wife and I are currently watching the Blu-Ray version of the series and I have noticed that, as an example, the two doors flanking the pool table area, were designated turbolifts (and used in the earlier episodes), but later on, they became Jefferies Tube access entries, so this model will be of the latest, or even last version of the Engine Room, from the series.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Wow! This is superior work!
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1921 CaliforniaPosts: 2,077Member
    I never noticed that they changed the layout of this area over the course of the show. Interesting.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    Very nice work! Impressive that this is done in SU.
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    @Brandenberg since I'm watching the series again, I am noticing more and more changes/revisions,inconsistencies, etc. Some of it funny, some of it unnerving. As I build this, I find myself making changes as I go, depending on season. =)

    @BolianAdmiral SU has come a long way, with a lot of plugins that help achieve a lot of complicated geometry, but this is not to say it still isn't without some frustration too. That MSD took me the better part of 4 hours to get it right...still not perfect, but passes the muster. :)
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1921 CaliforniaPosts: 2,077Member
    The new Picard Series, sure looks like it is going to be good.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Engineering is probably one of the sets with the mosts changes, as it was reused a lot for corridor sets. For Stage 9 we had decided early on to go for the season 7 look for all rooms, and Engineering proved to be the hardest to nail down, both in modeling and lighting conditions. In the end we corrected the lighing, but never got the chance to model our own version of the room.

    If I recall correctly the last change on the set was for 'Phantasms', so I'd suggest sticking to the very last episodes of the season if you want to go for that look and be accurate.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    New render, this one down the hall before entering Main Engineering. Just verifying texture interaction with the lighting. Still have more details to complete at the rear.

  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Last one for the evening, tested out a texture for the "Pool Table". I'll tackle this further this weekend.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,180Member
    Both of those renders look really good. :)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Welcome to the site.
    That is some impressive work you got there.
  • NevetsNevets201 EarthPosts: 134Member
    edited July 2019 #18
    Welcome shaved_ape


    Looking forward to seeing more of your art.
    Post edited by Nevets on
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Lighting adjusted, via using VRay mesh lights, instead of emissive materials. Fixed the Okudagrams to be consistent with the deck assignment (via screenshots from STNG). Fixed the isolinear chip banks in the MSD and added textures to the MSD, which may need further refinement.

  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1921 CaliforniaPosts: 2,077Member
    Both of those renders look really good. :)

    Yeah, there is something different about them. It looks like pictures from the series.

  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann696 Posts: 1,339Member
    They really do! I keep wondering "where are the actors?"
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    @Brandenberg , if you are referring to posts #15 and #19, it's partially due to VRay going fubar. My Vropt file somehow got corrupted and started to spew out all black renders (lighting would calculate and you could see the initial result, but after the subsequent pass, everything went completely black). I got out of everything, rebooted, got back in and had to reset the settings back to default and then re-adjust what I had before, but obviously missed something.

    As I adjust texture properties, like reflection, refraction and bumps, the lighting will change overall, due to the raytrace bounces and the reflective and refractive qualities of the materials. Looking at the screenshots I have, it's also hard to tell what surfaces reflect what, so i have to go on the assumption that all touch panels, including the MSD, have a shiny, 100% reflective surface. In the show, they may have toned that down, in order to reduce the chance of seeing camera reflection in the shots. The same may hold true for the isolinear chip banks, as those are mainly plexi or mylar sheets with the rectangles printed on them, to give the illusion of actual chips being present. If you notice on the show, many times, you will see how poor the backlighting gets sometimes on those surfaces (unless the scene calls for attention to the actual chips), whereas my shots show how they should be lit.

    I spent a couple of hours yesterday, scouring through the 7th season (per @Rekkert suggestion), looking for shots that would help me with modeling more detail, which I did accomplish yesterday, but haven't got around to new renders yet...probably this evening.

    A big thanks and appreciation goes out to you all for the comments...I guess I found the right place for good feedback.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1921 CaliforniaPosts: 2,077Member
    When I said “something different” I hope you got that I meant something different in an unusually good way. You somehow captured SOMETHING - something that was visually true about the real show sets.
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    Actually @Brandenberg , I missed the mark on that one, but it's ok. Last evening, I found a major booboo with my MSD, so I took the time to fix it...if anyone can figure it out, you'll win a year's supply of fresh bananas. :p

  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann696 Posts: 1,339Member
    You rearranged the controls on the bottom so that they appear "mirrored" with the compass controls on either end now.
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    You rearranged the controls on the bottom so that they appear "mirrored" with the compass controls on either end now.

    Let me put this out there first: I am horrible at creating textures, and equally horrible at creating Star Trek textures. With that said, the fix I made was more of a structural issue, rather than the textures, but you are not too far off the mark. I once had the two duplicated (because I was lazy), but last night, after the fix, I decided to try and create an alternate texture for the right-hand side of the console, via using Affinity Photo, which seemed to work out pretty well (anyone looking for the perfect and cheaper alternative to Photoshop, I highly recommend it). The right-hand texture is a variation of the left, mirrored, but also not exactly. Btw, I also noticed that for some odd reason, my pool table texture came out pixelated, for some odd reason, so I have to revisit my render settings again. :(

    I'll give it another day or so and see if anyone else can see the difference in the MSD. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    You're using Suricata's LCARS as base for the textures, right? I'm not sure what difference you mean but I can spot several of his unique details on the MSD, which are unique when compared to the one used on the series.

    Regarding software to make LCARS, I highly suggest Inkscape, it's very easy to learn and I've been creating all my 2D graphics with it for years. Being vector-based rather than raster, it enables you to export higher resolution images without pixelation, making it easier to re-scale stuff as needed. Plus, it's FOSS, always a benefit.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • JMoneyJMoney189 Posts: 127Member
    edited July 2019 #28
    I saw you changed the number on the door to 36 instead of the previous 13

    EDIT: btw, looking fantastic! : )
    Post edited by JMoney on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1921 CaliforniaPosts: 2,077Member
    Apes have bananas? :)

    You made me laugh.
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    @Rekkert , yes, I suppose I am using Suricata's textures...found them a while ago, never checked to see who did them, since there wasn't any attribution. Doing a bit more digging online now, I see that he did mimic the original design from the show pretty well. I suppose when my final renders are ready, I'll try to show off something different, so as not to infringe on anyone's copyright. As I said before, I am terrible at creating textures, but pretty decent at building, which brings me to the next subject...

    Since no one noticed, and I'm not surprised, and it's a fix that people's eyes wouldn't catch, due to the "pretty" textures, it's the geometry of the MSD display itself, that was incorrect. The upper part of the display has a distinct slope, which was missing before, and that's what was fixed. Achieving the general shape of the MSD wasn't easy as it was, and that fix was pretty risky, potentially busting the geometry, but it works now. =)

    I suppose I should tell everyone, that this project of mine, is more to do with accuracy of structure and design, rather than accuracy of LCARS displays and "what button shows up where", sort of things. Believe it or not, I once had this whole compartment done, but did a lousy job finishing it up at the end, so after putting it aside for a little while, I clamped down and started over, spending time correcting mistakes and such. This version is turning out much better than before, probably due to more experience with SU and VRay now. I'm still a novice with much to learn.

    If the display textures is a task that I am in over my head on, I might just release this as a "blank" model and let everyone else put in what they feel like. As I said previous about modeling textures, instead of doing outside design in a third party program, it comes easier to me, allows me to be able to work with scale much better. The red labels, the door controls, albeit an experiment, might still be my best bet. This is a real challenge for me, since I'm used to doing houses and mechanical models in SU. A lot of the geometry is a bit "non-standard" for SU, but I have a decent set of plugins to help achieve what I want.

    So I guess for now, the bananas will get shipped to the zoo.
  • shaved_apeshaved_ape433 USAPosts: 158Member
    I had a thought the other day that I believe may work out better with this project. In an attempt to make some unique textures for the LCARS, I thought "what do things look like in main engineering when the ship is in a cold start situation?"

    I made some pretty decent textures from what I had before, to reflect how cold start sequences happen, so a lot of displays aren't fully functioning yet, or going through diagnostics, performing startup sequences, etc. I also brought in my jefferies tube model (puts a bit of a strain on SU, due to the detail), but anyways, this is very much a WIP.

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