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3DNew Star Trek Star Fleet Ship

acidstormacidstorm178 Posts: 115Member
edited May 2019 in Work in Progress #1
I came up with this design years ago. I haven't modeled in a long time. I got the itch to have a go at this one. It's not your typical design. I wanted to get away from the typical saucer shape and thin nacelle pylons, but have at the same time be instantly recognizable as a Star Fleet ship.

Not even sure where to start on this. I fleshed out the hull and parts where the impulse engines would go and the deflector dish, but beyond that it's just a very basic idea at this point.
Post edited by acidstorm on


  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    Innnnnnnnnteresting shape. I'm digging the fluidity of it, though the squareness of the engine section fights that fluidity a bit. I'd give it a few more curves, think of a wind tunnel, water tracing the contours, etc...
  • acidstormacidstorm178 Posts: 115Member
    Innnnnnnnnteresting shape. I'm digging the fluidity of it, though the squareness of the engine section fights that fluidity a bit. I'd give it a few more curves, think of a wind tunnel, water tracing the contours, etc...

    Yeah, The cargo area is bothersome. It has a very organic shape to it until the engine section. That part started out as a box and I basically went crazy with tessellation to round everything out and see what would happen. I may have very well backed myself into a corner doing that. I'll have to get the file up and running to see though. It's been years since I opened this model up.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    I really like that second angle, though, it's very retro mod, all curves. I think that's the direction to go into. Aerodynamic even when it doesn't need to be, elongated... almost lava lamp-esque.
  • acidstormacidstorm178 Posts: 115Member
    I really like that second angle, though, it's very retro mod, all curves. I think that's the direction to go into. Aerodynamic even when it doesn't need to be, elongated... almost lava lamp-esque.

    I agree. It has a really cool profile from the front. The nacelles seem a bit large as well, but I guess if I extended the engine hull longer and rounded it out more they would probably be just about right.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    Oh, I definitely want to play around with this
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    I swear this didn't take four hours, but here are the two good renders of what I was thinking. Drawing more inspiration from luxury cars and yachts for the curves. I also think the shuttlebay will be a more unique design.

  • acidstormacidstorm178 Posts: 115Member
    I swear this didn't take four hours, but here are the two good renders of what I was thinking. Drawing more inspiration from luxury cars and yachts for the curves. I also think the shuttlebay will be a more unique design.


    That looks pretty cool. I may have to redo some tutorials to get familiar with 3DS Max again before I botch this model up! It's been years since I have used it.
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