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SuggestionA couple of QoL suggestions :)

RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
These are all very small issues, mostly driven by my OCD, but I thought I'd mention them somewhere to see what other people think about them:

- The first page of each thread contains 31 posts, while all subsequent pages contain just 30. This means that page 2 starts at post #32 and ends at #61. Usually you'd start each page on a number ending in 1, and finish each page on a number ending in 0. Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed this. :p

- Related to the above issue, could we have a setting to change the maximum number of posts per page? It's useful to have longer pages when you want to reply to stuff that might have been left behind

- Could the lower level badges we have be hidden? Say, if I have the "10 years" badge, the "1 year" and the "5 years" badges are kinda redundant. It would be a bit cleaner to hide those.

Anyway, that's all. As I mentioned, very small issues driven by OCD. :p
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    - The first page of each thread contains 31 posts, while all subsequent pages contain just 30. This means that page 2 starts at post #32 and ends at #61. Usually you'd start each page on a number ending in 1, and finish each page on a number ending in 0. Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed this.
    Never actually noticed, but it does make some sense. Vanilla treats the very first post of any thread differently than the rest. Basically, you have a Discussion (first post, and the whole thread) followed by Comments (well, the comments). So the first page of any given thread would be Discussion + 30 comments, while the subsequent pages are just 30 comments each.

    Post numbering is actually a plugin, so normally the forums wouldn't show them. I just thought they were a handy feature way back in the vBulletin days. I'll see, if I can tweak the math a little.
    - Related to the above issue, could we have a setting to change the maximum number of posts per page? It's useful to have longer pages when you want to reply to stuff that might have been left behind
    There is a setting on the admin dashboard, but it's for the entire forum. I can increase it though. The next options are 40, 50 and 100 comments per page. Don't think you can easily expose it to users. I did mess around with infinite scroll a little during development, which was really nice for browsing, but really bad for usability, if you actually needed to do something, because it was really hard to get to the top or bottom of the page.
    - Could the lower level badges we have be hidden? Say, if I have the "10 years" badge, the "1 year" and the "5 years" badges are kinda redundant. It would be a bit cleaner to hide those.
    Unfortunately no. They could be manually removed, I guess, but since they get awarded automatically, they'll just show up again as soon as the user is back. They look a little silly now, since most people have essentially the same badges in the same order from the day they show up on the new forums, but it will get a little better with time. Different people will have different badges, and they will offer a kind of a record of their history on the forums. Like, there will be a bunch of other stuff between 10 years and 15 years, once we get that far.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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