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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @Starscream: I thought about adding more screens or some unseen stations, but in the end I know they weren't really there on the set, so I didn't want to deviate too much from the layout we know. I've modeled isolinear chip bays behind each removable access panel. :)

    @Ashleytinger: Yeah, the blueprints show 3 individual panels, however on the episode we clearly see one side of the viewscreen with only one long panel. On 'The Best of Both Worlds' and 'All Good Things' we see the same set reused with only one long panel at each side again. The blueprints appear to be very inaccurate on the front area of the bridge, as the whole viewscreen is completely different from what's shown on this set, if you compare the measurements to what we see on the Battle Bridge or the Stargazer, it's completely different. The plans were clearly made as a 'redress guide' for the Enterprise-C, after the set was already built, and isn't very accurate.

    I've worked a bit on the ceiling. I'm not entirely sold on it but here's what I've got so far. I wanted to incorporate the ceiling piece we saw from the Sutherland, but with a central piece. I'll keep tinkering with it, any ideas are welcomed.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Yeah, I can understand that -especially as the blueprints are quite empty in that area :) Though as far as those chips are concerned, pics or it didn't happen! :lol:

    I'd never noticed that shot was of the front of the bridge! Though I clearly should, in hindsight...

    As far as the ceiling's concerned, to me it's just a wee bit too busy compared to the rest of the set. I think I'd most likely do as follows:
    1) Alter the angle of the strips in the upper lights to emulate the _|_|_/ shape on the rear consoles, tying the design together a bit more.
    2) Ditch the bottom light panels entirely (not least to reduce glare when looking at a black viewscreen, but also because there was no sign of intense downlighting for the actual set).
    3) For the circular panel remove the strips, and apply one of the diffusing mesh textures you've used before, making it dimmer than the surrounding lights (or maybe put some kind of astrogator/cartography dome there instead? You've probably got more free reign there than anywhere else, after all!)

    YMMV of course. ;)
  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Alright alright, here you go. I've prepared these to give the bridge some interactivity when added to Stage 9.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Oh wow! I was just kidding but those are neat :thumb:

    I knew you were working on Stage9 but had no idea there were other bridges planned! That's awesome. :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Alright alright, here you go. I've prepared these to give the bridge some interactivity when added to Stage 9.


    LOL Very cool.

    Yeah I hadn't gone over the screenshots versus the plans before, so I bow to your research on that. ;)

    As far as the ceiling goes, I think what you've got works, especially given the design of the rest of the bridge. It lacks that rounded look that the TMP and even the later TOS bridges had and I was going to suggest for the ceiling lights. My one suggestion would be maybe a ring of lights with a diffuser under them so the light bounces out and hits the ceiling and then back onto the bridge.

    Like I said though, what you've got works and definitely fits with what they did with the bridge set alter on in Next Gen's run anyway.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972330 Posts: 1,207Member
    Really cool bridge. One thing though; have you thought about making the view screen anti-glare? There's a heck of a lot of reflection going on there. Could make conference calling a pain. :p
  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Back up your data people...
    I just lost more than a week of work...
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Back up your data people...
    I just lost more than a week of work...

    O.o ouch.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1178 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,621Member
  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Sigh... So, any and all attempts to recover files failed.

    I started using git due to my work on Stage 9, but I was really a noob at it, and well... a 'git clean' can destroy your drive if you don't know what you're doing... And I didn't know what I was doing...

    I did backups once a week, but that only meant that I lost a lot of work instead of all work. All the viewscreen area is gone, as well as most okudagrams and those circuitry access panels below the aft consoles. It goes without saying that right now I don't feel like repeating my work, I open up the file of the Ent-C bridge and I only sit there wanting to cry for half an hour instead of doing anything productive. At least now I've setted up active backups via Dropbox, so this won't happen again...

    Anyway, I started a 'quick win' project to try and get my spirits up. Based on the USS Zodiac bridge, this is a bridge for the Springfield-Class USS Chekov. Things will mostly stay the same except for some further color changes (including the LCARS). I want to evoke the TOS aesthetic a bit given the ship's name. I want to still work on this bridge set without working directly on the Ent-C, I hope that'll allow me to reconstruct the viewscreen area and other bits without feeling so bad.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Aww, man. :( I know exactly how that feels. Thankfully not had a major data loss myself in several years, though that probably means I'm due one! You never know, maybe something good will come of it in the end. :)

    As far as the Chekov goes, I like the layout, but the red and black touches are a bit too anachronistic IMO; maybe try something a bit more subtle?
  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @Starscream: Yeah I'm still playing with the colors. The red itself isn't particularly anachronistic, the Battle Bridge and several 'bridge of the week' do have red accents in TNG.

    So, I modified the layout a little bit more, and changed the colors of the LCARS. I still have to refine them and change them a bit (not to mention replace all the Cheyenne graphics with the Springfield. I might try some further modifications to the helm to make it look a bit more TNG.
    So, I modified the layout a little bit more, and changed the colors of the LCARS. I still have to refine them and change them a bit (not to mention replace all the Cheyenne graphics with the Springfield. I might try some further modifications to the helm to make it look a bit more TNG.

    So, I modified the layout a little bit more, and changed the colors of the LCARS. I still have to refine them and change them a bit (not to mention replace all the Cheyenne graphics with the Springfield. I might try some further modifications to the helm to make it look a bit more TNG.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    It's certainly looking like those rear consoles would fit in for a Ship Of The Week bridge now! I think what made it look outdated before was the black supports and stark red doors; it definitely looks better now with a more understated approach. :thumb:

    The front of that Helm console would have been ideal for the Ent-C ( :( ) or a Hathaway variant; though it looks a trifle at odds with the late-TNG LCARS here. We once discussed a joined TNG Conn/Ops console, have you considered trying something like that, or maybe a TOS helm/nav console but with TNG architecture? :)
  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @Starscream: Thanks! As you can see below, I've been working a lot on the helm console. :)

    Last update for a few days as I'll shift my attention to a 2D commission soon. I've reworked the whole helm console, now looking a lot more TNG (only the top part remains of the Ent-C style console). The central area will have some iso chips added in.

    I've remodeled the Ent-C ceiling piece, but decided to keep the frontal area of the bridge intact (did I mention that this was a 'quick-win project'?). However, I've experimented a bit and added a few more consoles on the sides. Those are still unfinished, but I'll add some big screens in front of them, with maybe some isolinear chips at the sides.

    Other than that and of course the LCARS changes, this bridge would be pretty much finished by that point. I'd like to change the chairs to the ones used at the back of the Enterprise-D battle bridge at season 1 (the same ones used on the USS Bozeman bridge) but I can't seem to find any good references for them. Anyone able to help out with those?

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    It all looks like plausible studio plant-ons, etc. And though I think I'd probably have put wall facing standup consoles at the front, it's nice that these match the design of the rear ones - something more bridges need :)

    I like the red accent in the ceiling, too!

    As for the chairs, they look to me like re-upholstered copies of the ones from across Picard in his TNG Ready Room (I imagine those would work well on a lot of other TNG bridges, too). :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: Thanks! As you can see below, I've been working a lot on the helm console. :)

    Last update for a few days as I'll shift my attention to a 2D commission soon. I've reworked the whole helm console, now looking a lot more TNG (only the top part remains of the Ent-C style console). The central area will have some iso chips added in.

    I've remodeled the Ent-C ceiling piece, but decided to keep the frontal area of the bridge intact (did I mention that this was a 'quick-win project'?). However, I've experimented a bit and added a few more consoles on the sides. Those are still unfinished, but I'll add some big screens in front of them, with maybe some isolinear chips at the sides.

    Other than that and of course the LCARS changes, this bridge would be pretty much finished by that point. I'd like to change the chairs to the ones used at the back of the Enterprise-D battle bridge at season 1 (the same ones used on the USS Bozeman bridge) but I can't seem to find any good references for them. Anyone able to help out with those?


    Oh wow. Love the helm console. Very nice mix of the styles there. I like the ceiling. I'm not sold on the broken up railings all along the bridge though. I know that's what they used on the Ent-C but I didn't like them there either. :P Maybe a joined railing set like the TMP bridge?

    Either way it's coming along great!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I agree with Ashley regarding the handrails (lets face it, these budget ones had no redeeming features! :lol: ), but then as you're going for a "redress" bridge, it makes sense to me that you're keeping them in. By the way, I like your subtle nod to the TOS consoles by putting those colored lights under the consoles - they work well with the handrails to that effect. Nice touch. :)

    But, I think I just noticed an error: You appear to have moved the turbolift doors further aft, so that there is no longer anywhere for the rearmost door panel to slide into! ;)
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1178 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,621Member
    Wow... I'm LOVING the Springfield-Class bridge! I LOVE those two small alcove stations between the doors and the viewscreen. I wish I'd done that with the Zodiac now. Truth be told, I always envisioned (for my own fanfic) the Cheyenne and Springfield bridges being the exact same, like how the Quasar was basically the same as the Enterprise-D, save for one or two cosmetic differences. But I love what you've done here, especially also the front CONN/OPS combo console.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972330 Posts: 1,207Member
    I agree with all of the above. Continuous railings would really pull it all together, but I understand why you haven't gone that route.

    This would be great as a main set and suit a variety of ships. The Stargazer/Hathaway, Ent-C or even the New Orleans class with some minor material modifications.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Vortex5972, I don't know about you, but in my head at least the "idealised" version of the Hathaway/Stargazer bridge is fully circular ala the Constitution and Miranda classes, but using the same design of console as seen for the rear three stations here - bridging the gap between what we saw onscreen and what "probably should" have been present if TNG had a bigger budget :)
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972330 Posts: 1,207Member
    That would also work.
  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Regarding the railings, yeah, I understand and agree that they would look better as one piece, but keeping with the real sets I'm gonna keep them separated. We saw some continuous railings on TNG but they were on curvier rails, most of the ones we saw were segmented.

    @ashleytinger: Thanks!

    @Starscream: Thanks! I didn't want to add those standing consoles looking at the wall, I wanted to make the bridge look more uniform. :D Regarding the doors, yeah, I had noticed, they were just unfinished. :lol:

    @BolianAdmiral: Thank you! You know, my original idea was to add those new stations at the side to make the bridge a bit more reminiscent to the Constitution, but then I had some second thoughts given that I also thought it shouldn't be particularly busier than the Cheyenne. I played around with the idea of making this the bridge for a Niagara, but in the end, I'm sticking to the USS Chekov, as that names gives me the excuse to play with the TOS aesthetic.

    @Vortex5972: Thanks! I'm playing around in my head with coming up with bridges for the remaining 'Wolf 359 classes', so I'll probably modify this further sooner or later. :D

    I've added more details here and there, including more of those classic TNG black lines that do nothing :D I've also replaced some of the LCARS on the aft consoles with isolinear chips, following the same pattern as they used on this set in 'Booby Trap'.


    Regarding the doors, I went back to the red color (though I've made all the reds a bit darker) inspired by the Starfleet facility from 'Coming of Age', which being early TNG would be the same time period as this bridge. Just as those doors, these open up from one side only.


    Well, I've modeled the chairs from the Battle Bridge as accurately as I could given the very few references I had from the Ready Room, they've replaced all the chairs and help make the bridge seem a little less cluttered IMO. I've also removed the LCARS columns from the back, I felt the bridge was getting too many LCARS and looked a little too busy.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann673 Posts: 1,323Member
    Okay, I seriously love this... and this I could totally picture as the Battle Bridge for a ship as well.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1178 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,621Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    I've added more details here and there, including more of those classic TNG black lines that do nothing :D

    Those weren't as bad as some of the other odd choices they made...


    Great work on the doors. I like the "Coming Of Age" doors - the only other time we saw the door labels on TNG use the "Future Imperfect" beige color.
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Another possible suggestion might be for a spirit-raiser if you want to play with it, Rekkert - in "The Sound of the Shiant" (the first Galaxy Chronicles story), there's a bio-lab on board the USS Galaxy that I picture is based off of the many battle bridge redresses (like your Zodiac, your Enterprise-C, and your SPringfield bridge here:

    Aft station configuration would be the same pretty much, although since this is a science lab and not a bridge, there's a single stand-up console like the tactical console on your Zodiac (sans Brattain markings), overlooking the front of the room. In front would be an examination table, similar to the severely injured "John Doe" character lay down in the TNG episode "Transfigurations"). Viewer would be Zodiac/Cheyenne style.
  • RekkertRekkert4258 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @BlueNeumann: Thank you very much!

    @BolianAdmiral: Wow, that control panel... :lol:

    @Rusty0918: That's a good layout, I'll keep it in mind! :D

    I think I'm done with the modeling. What do you think, did I went overboard with all the paneling on the back? The upside down panels from the Bradbury bridge were inspired on the actual panels from the USS Raman set.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Good job! Those seats really do work well there.

    Re: the black lines, eh. It's pretty understated compared to some of the TNG/DS9 sets. Looks fine to me.

    I do think the handrails could stand to be darkened in line with the doors, and I miss the rear wall lcars panels but can see why you removed them. :) Only other thing I might suggest would be to maybe put some kind of TNG wall light above the doors - that area is a bit spartan otherwise?

    But yeah, like I said - good job all round, and it definitely fits as a TNG guest bridge! :thumb:
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    OK I think I have another suggestion/request that may help get you back on your feet about the Ent-C bridge - the USS Galaxy's battle bridge! This would be based off mostly on the battle bridge on the Enterprise-D we saw in "The Best of Both Worlds Part II," with differences of course. The standing aft stations would remain the same, as well as the aft status displays at the rear of the bridge. However, this bridge would also have Hathaway-style elements, such as the command seating (the command chair and the first officer's full-length swing out station), although they're flipped for this (the command chair is on the starboard and on the port side is the full-length executive officer swing-out station. And directly in front of those are the Conn/Ops stations.

    I would prefer that the tactical station lose the Brattain style lines of course. And of course none of that grating on any of the swing-out consoles (like we saw on the Hathaway bridge. You may be able to reconstruct the view-screen easier.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann673 Posts: 1,323Member
    Gotta say, I like the TNG LCARS in that one-piece conn station.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    ^ me too. I'm also loving the faint purple hue on the darker blue elements of the LCARS displays; particularly noticeable on the upper aft panels -- it reminds me of the early runabout LCARS scheme. :)
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