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3DUSS Enterprise NCC1701 Deck by Deck..



  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    I figured it was an oversight. I actually didn't find anything in their TOS that mentioned what kind of ads they will serve.

    I'm really enjoying your thread, Havoc. :thumb:
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    What have I been up to today.. well:


    Basically added some detail to the turbolift car as well as trimming a little. And the last image you see there is the
    progress on the first bridge deck console. This one is for the Engineering station. Back to work..
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Here's the latest. Think I'm done for the day; but, happy with the progress.

  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Impressive....most impressive.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Spent most of the day chasing down proper placement of the buttons and coloration. Some of it is
    guesswork (color); but, mostly happy with it. Have to build the viewer now and fix color on the rocker
    switches, then this set of panels will be ready to install. Still got a long way to go, as usual; but,
    ready to write a book on the process I think lol.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Decided to go ahead and mount the panel minus the viewer. Very happy.

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    And before bed, one last little touch:

    Did it with Engineering; so...
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Another day, another station started.

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Still plowing through. Been mostly digging through data on props from the trek auctions today. Got some actual
    dimensions rather than estimated ones for the mid level displays. Here's the problem I'm having at the moment..


    I was going by the Micmasters plans for the consoles and found a few problems with the engineering console when I
    started putting the colors to the buttons. Turns out, he didn't just screw up one button. The Engineering subsystem
    checkout station is the one I'm working on at the moment. Yeah, no idea either; but,.. Its the one in my earlier images
    that has the overhead showing "condition alert". Anyway, you can see the glaring difference between what Mcmasters
    apparently made up vs..


    .. this ultimately is what I'm going with. Working the color chart now to get the buttons colored up; but, this should be
    done. Had the panel set into the console figuring I was good earlier and went shopping the colors and totally redid the
    layout. A tad ticked; but, might actually have to write my own reference series for this bucket.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, another batch of buttons in place and colored. Time to get some shut-eye

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    The second image hasn't got the lighting of the first; but, the lighting needs toned down and balanced more for sure anyway. Really got a lot of work
    to do on this area; but, I have 4 consoles done at this point. You can see that the mid level display geometry has been put in now as well as the access
    panels down below. Gonna have to do some tweaking on the grills for those panels; but, happy with how they came out. Just have a basic
    transparent material on them for now. Still working; but, wanted to get this posted up.

    One more to show the detail a tad better.
  • anthscoanthsco365 Raleigh, NCPosts: 87Member
    :thumb: Very beautiful work, such attention to detail.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you Anthsco.

    and here's the latest:
    Ok, the communications station is the next finished piece.


    This one wasn't the bear the first few were, thankfully.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Here's the current workup on Spock's Library computer station:


    Pretty tired; so, I wanted to post an update before I woke up with key imprints on my forehead.
    The base geometry for what remains is in. Lots of work to get this one together and get it right.
    Just have a few extrusions to make and then I can start tweaking and adding the last of the
    buttons and switches.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, still workin it to be sure; but, here's the latest on Spock's duty station. really comin together ;)

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Spock's station is now completed save for textures of course; but, it's so poly rich that it had to be cut in half to be exported.
    Glad this is the high-res stuff. If it was low res I'd be really worried. Anyway, two stations left to complete, then on to the
    Nav console and captain's chair.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ain't been sleepin on the job, nope.. ;) Had to watch through a season and a half of episodes to get the button colors for this console and some of them are iffy, so still looking.
    One left and got the same problem with it; so, may be another day or two before it's done. We'll see.

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    And here's the latest:

    Worked all day today on getting the base model for the helm fleshed out. Now it's time to detail it.
  • mdbruffymdbruffy180 Posts: 2Member
    havoc, sorry I've been gone for awhile. Do you have a copy of the Starfleet tech manual by Franz Joesph? He's got some great cloes-up layouts of the station cnosoles showing all the button layouts. You can find the pages at the Star Trek LCars site too.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    mdbruffy wrote: »
    havoc, sorry I've been gone for awhile. Do you have a copy of the Starfleet tech manual by Franz Joesph? He's got some great cloes-up layouts of the station cnosoles showing all the button layouts. You can find the pages at the Star Trek LCars site too.

    Yep, got it. Used McMasters because that set is supposed to be taken from original set drawings. At any rate, the layouts have now all been checked out against screencaps from the show. Would have had to do that either way.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Will probably work a bit on lighting before doing the next full bridge set render; but, here's where I currently am.
    Dug throught the prop auction pics to get some of the detail shots I needed.

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, been a busy boy today..


    Still have to build the timer wheel mechanism for the chronometer. Next will be the targeting scanner and it's compartment.
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    So pretty much all the detail work is done for the chronometer. Got really good refs on the internals of the scanner that I've been pouring over
    and trying to get a handle on. So, the scanner is the next bit.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Trimming polys at the moment; but, here's where the latest asset stands:


    The amount of detail on the helm has it un-exportable; so, doing a lot of trimming to try and
    bring the polycount down. The compartment for the scanner has been cut in; but, the scanner
    at the moment will likely be handled as a seperate asset.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Trimmed, exported. Took quite a bit of choppin; but, it doesn't show, so I'm happy ;)

  • mdbruffymdbruffy180 Posts: 2Member
    That's looking great!
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    mdbruffy wrote: »
    That's looking great!

    Thank you. Should've been this far well before now but for life's insistance on intruding.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Been playing with the lighting levels and looking at some of the reflectivity issues. Think I've about got them licked.
    Big problem is that the command platform was nearly white; so, it was reflecting everything back. I lowered the
    multipliers on all the perimeter lights by 10 percent and that helped substantially. But the lighting near the turbolift
    is still an issue I'm working. Part of the problem right now is that a section of glass that would filter the light is not
    in place.. hasn't been created yet. Another issue is that the ceiling area there includes two seperate lighting
    sconce types that I have not joined together as yet, so I'm getting a lot of bleed through as well. Real happy with
    the latest renders even with the remaining problems. ;)
  • mdbruffymdbruffy180 Posts: 2Member
    Another thing that will help with your lighting is the right floor color. Remember they used a grey-ish beige carpet for the floor- that'll cut down on your problem with the command platform.

    Other than that, this is looking fantastic!

    I keep editing this post.
    I was going to ask if you're going to stay strictly with the TOS look or- since you've included the second exit- are you going to include the Intruder Defense Module from the animated series?
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