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2DLcars - MSDs



  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    Something a little different, but only a little

  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    Had to drop the runabout for now.

    This is my newest WIP. On commission for some big wig.

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Ohh, nice, I was wondering if someone would ever make an Sabre-class MSD.
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    for a few minutes, I didnt recognize the class.

    very well done.
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member

    Before you ask about the lack of turboshafts; I've been studying the MSD for the Equinox and noticed that it doesn't have them illustrated either.
    So, I got to thinking, perhaps the turboshaft system is not big enough on such small ships as the Nova class to warrant being on the MSD? If so, the Sabre certainly is small enough to follow that rule of thumb.

    Anyway, here's the almost nearly maybe complete msd so far:

  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member

    Before you ask about the lack of turboshafts; I've been studying the MSD for the Equinox and noticed that it doesn't have them illustrated either.
    So, I got to thinking, perhaps the turboshaft system is not big enough on such small ships as the Nova class to warrant being on the MSD? If so, the Sabre certainly is small enough to follow that rule of thumb.

    Anyway, here's the almost nearly maybe complete msd so far:

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    So that's how it looks inside. Nice.
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    This is an MSD my friend has been bugging me to do for his RPG for ages.

    Now, I know some of you will pick up on the position of the warp core and the lower pod.
    It's been agreed by a group of us that to move the core backward to give it a clear line of ejection would make the core too small for the size of the ship and it's power needs.

    As far as we could see, there were two options:

    1. An assymetrical setup with the core on one side of the ship
    2. Make the lower pod ejectable and not contain any critical ships systems.

    After lengthy debate, option 2 was selected.

  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    nice work.
  • FlankerFlanker0 Posts: 0Member
    Wonderful job as always and have to agree that option two sounds like the best in this case. Might I ask for which RPG this will be used? :)
  • JRL3001JRL3001331 Posts: 0Member
    Sandy, you're awesome and I owe you big time. Seeing this this morning really helped offset some of the rough week I've been having
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    You may have to wait a little longer. My PC crapped out not long after posting the WIP and won't start anymore. I think its the PSU, so need to swap that out.
  • JRL3001JRL3001331 Posts: 0Member
    Ouch, no worries man. I can wait. Hope your machine doesn't take much to repair
  • CXCX0 Posts: 0Member
    Or as a third option you might shoot the core out of the top of the ship. ;)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I would also agree to eject it top-wise. Cannot risking to lose a pod, too...
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    And risk the warp core smacking into a nacelle?

    The cores are not explosively ejected, they are mechanically ejected, shooting it out of the top means it could hit one of the nacelles and explode instantly.

    Taking that into account, loosing a non critical pod (that can be retrieved later) is a far better option.
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    you going to install the relevant ejection/hardpoint hardware for the pod?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    How should a core, ejected in the centre of the ship at a speed of even only warp 1, hit the nacelles if the core falls out of the nacelles warp-field before it even starts to lurch? I mean technically, that ship would drop out of warp a few thousand AE after the core due to the remaining plasma from the EPS and even if we allow the core to remain in the field and thus in a critical area for a longer time, it remains stable and verticallly flying (worst starting to tilt on that vertical axis) for a long time.
  • great work, when we getting the Akira Class ;)
  • mtblilliemtblillie171 Posts: 0Member
    I really don't think it would matter which direction it is ejected with relation to the warp necelles since they are pretty close to the same spot on either axis. Of coarse that would depend on where exactly you had the core in the first place.

    It just seems like ejecting out the top would be impracticle anyway because of all the equipment and deuterium tank above it.
  • mtblilliemtblillie171 Posts: 0Member
    On second thought no deuterium, but that is where the connect hardpoints are, seems a little difficult to put an ejection port there.

    Anyway just my two cents, I definately can't wait to see the final version!
  • CXCX0 Posts: 0Member
    Bmused55 wrote: »
    And risk the warp core smacking into a nacelle?
    Even if they didn't use air pressure to shoot the thing out (although that would be best), there would probably be about as much of a chance of that happening as any pilot who bailed out of their aircraft had of being beamed by their own plane's tail on the way out. Which is to say that there was always a chance, but the plane crashing or possibly exploding at any time kind of encouraged them to take that chance. It didn't happen all that much though.
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    How should a core, ejected in the centre of the ship at a speed of even only warp 1, hit the nacelles if the core falls out of the nacelles warp-field before it even starts to lurch? I mean technically, that ship would drop out of warp a few thousand AE after the core due to the remaining plasma from the EPS and even if we allow the core to remain in the field and thus in a critical area for a longer time, it remains stable and verticallly flying (worst starting to tilt on that vertical axis) for a long time.
    And what if the ship is out of control, like in ST:TNG "Cause and effect" ?

    The whole point of ejecting the core is because its unstable. It's not gauranteed to follow a straight line after it leaves the ejection port and if the ship is spinning or listing for some reason, the possibility of the core hitting the ship and destroying it is higher.

    This was one of the things that was discussed when we decided on where to put the core. Seperating the lower pod with explosive bolts and boost thrusters allowing the core to eject appeared to be the best was in our minds.

    To each their own though.
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    OK, my PC is back up and running, one IDE cable and boot sector repair later.
    Here's an update.

  • FlankerFlanker0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking great and glad to hear your PC is back up and running. The New Orleans is nice ship that deserves this kind of attention.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    What about having a tilted core?
    I mean we'Ve seen a core that is "tilted" to be horizontal, why not one now being around 45A°?
    Just a thought.
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    ya know, that could actually work, would solve the collision issue, and negate the need to have hardpoint/attachment equipment for the ventral pod.

    besides, she would be the first ship to have a tilted warp core.

    also, nothing says this class wouldn't have that, the same goes for other classes as well.
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    Tilted core rejected by the owner. To each their own.

    Completed MSD is visible in my Gallery thread
  • angusskyangussky0 Posts: 0Member
    Flanker wrote: »
    The New Orleans is nice ship that deserves this kind of attention.

    I agree. There is not much on the class as I wish they would. Wonderful job!
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