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2DASDB.006 Homestead Class [Orbital Installation]

MikkiKashiwagiMikkiKashiwagi364 StuttgartPosts: 133Member
edited September 2023 in Work in Progress #1
B) :'( :'(
New Project started: 2023.0731 today..!!
My first Orbital Installation:
Spacedock - Type II: Homestead Class.
This Orbital Installation is the main Starfleet's Starship Homebase in many Sectors of the United Federation Of Planets,
and the Administration Command Station.
- Installation: External Overview started - incomplete.
..please enjoy......!
B) :'( ;)

Post edited by MikkiKashiwagi on


  • MikkiKashiwagiMikkiKashiwagi364 StuttgartPosts: 133Member
    edited September 2023 #2
    B) :'( ;)
    New Project upgrade: 2023.0908 today..!!
    My first Orbital Installation:
    Spacedock - Type II: Homestead Class.
    This Orbital Installation is the main Starfleet's Starship Homebase in many Sectors of the United Federation Of Planets,
    and the Administration Command Station.
    - Installation: Internal Overview started - incomplete.
    - Spacedock Section: Internal Spaceframe started - incomplete.
    - Spacedock Section: Internal Shuttlebay [3 X] integrated - complete.
    - Spacedock Section: Internal Repairtransfer Tunnel [5 X] integrated - incomplete.
    - Spacedock Section: Deuteriumtank-depot [5 X] integrated - complete.
    - Spacedock Section: Spacedockshot for Starship-entry integrated - incomplete.
    - Spacedock Section: External Shuttlebay integrated - complete.
    - Spacedock Section: External to Internal Small Ship Corridor integrated - incomplete.
    - Spacedock Section: Escapepod [40 Person ver.] integrated - incomplete.
    - Spacedock Section: Approach corridor with Illumination & Controlldisplay integrated - complete.
    - Reference Size: U.S.S. NEBULA NCC-60147
    - Link:
    ..please enjoy......!
    B) :'( ;)
    Post edited by MikkiKashiwagi on
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