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  • Star Trek Models

    Grid lines on the lower saucer.


    CowardashleytingerStarCruisercaveat_imperatorwibbleLizzy777Rory1707MadKoiFishscifiericBrandenbergand 1 other.
  • Star Trek Models

    So, one of the things that bugs me with the Constellation class is the bridge. This is the bridge module on the model:


    The problem with this is, the bridge of the Stargazer has two turbolifts:


    Now, as some people know, the producers originally wanted the Stargazer first seen in "The Battle" to be Constitution class. Thus, they redressed the battle bridge set to be the bridge of a Constitution class ship as seen in the movies. This was actually perfect, as they'd used the bridge set from the first four movies to build the battle bridge. The decision to make a new model based on the design cooked up by Andrew Probert and Rick Sternbach and the ready room model built by Sternbach came well into production on the episode. So, they suddenly had a Constellation class ship, not a Constitution class ship. Greg Jein built the four foot filming miniature based on Sternbach's model, including the somewhat TOS-style bridge. But that bridge module looks like it could have a single turbolift, not two of them due to the size of the piece that sticks out of the back. Of course, the Hathaway is even more of a problem since its turbolift doors were at the side, but that's not a problem I'm looking to solve.

    To make it work, I was going to just build a TMP style bridge module. However, I forgot how much of a pain that thing is to build. After two failed attempts to get the shape right, the second of which failed when Lightwave crashed and I lost my work, I decided to alter my strategy. I built a bridge that has a shape more similar to the Constellation class, but with a rear section based on the original bridge module that was on the TMP model, before the model was damaged and the bridge and teardrop were replaced. This is my solution:


    This workaround allows two turbolifts in the same position as they are on the TMP Constitution, so that makes my brain happy. But it also retains the look of the Constellation class bridge module, as opposed to using the incorrect refit bridge. I'm also going to add a docking port to the back, like the Connie refit.

    Between the crash that nixed my second attempt at the TMP bridge and me coming up with my workaround, I was messing around with materials:




    No texture maps were used. I took a page from Backstept's book and did it all in Lightwave. Lightwave allows you to select faces and assign different materials to them. So, I selected faces in a somewhat Aztec-like pattern and gave them different materials. I then played with specular settings on the materials to give the ship its signature paneling look, but only visible when the light is at certain angles. (as it should be) Then I added procedural layers into the color, brightness and roughness channels to add grime to the ship. I went heavy on the grime because it's a Constellation class and they always look rough and dirty. Picard described the Stargazer to Scotty as being an overworked ship, so I'm guessing they got a lot of the dirty jobs in the fleet. The great thing about using procedurals is that the whole ship will look consistent and I can easily alter the procedurals for a cleaner look or for different ships.
    ashleytingerStarCruiserStarshipxiaorobearLizzy777wibbleWarp Propulsion LaboratoryRory1707backsteptBrandenbergand 1 other.
  • Star Trek Models

    Work continues on the nacelles. Since these were the first thing Jefferies redesigned, they're complete on his drawings.

    publiusr wrote: »
    Shaw had a nice one based on a 1/537
    As did UGH! Models

    I remember Shaw's model, it was sweet.
    ashleytingerrojrenLizzy777BrandenbergRory1707scifiericSCE2AuxStarCruisercaveat_imperatorwibbleand 1 other.
  • Star Trek Models

    The nacelles are in place. The only thing they're lacking are the pendants, which I'll do later. I'm starting to lose steam on this build, so I may work on something else for a while and come back to this later.




    RekkertRory1707ashleytingerwibbleLizzy777StarCruiserxiaorobearrojrenBrandenbergscifiericand 1 other.
  • Franz Joseph Starfleet

    Really quickly, before I go to work, I changed the name of the ship:


    The reasoning for this was simple, I didn't like the name I chose. :lol: I was going to go with USS Heracles, which I've used a lot in the past. However, I decided to take one of the registry numbers from the tech manual that were retconned to be incorrect. The USS Excalibur has the registry number NCC-1664, thanks to TOS-R. However, in the tech manual, it has NCC-1705. So, I swiped that number for my ship. Since I like the name Excalibur, but I wanted to avoid using canon names, I went with Xavier. Yes, it is indeed named after the founder of the X-Men, Prof. Charles Xavier. Fitting, I think, since Patrick Stewart played him in the movies. But, that's not why I chose the name. I chose it because X-Men is my favorite Marvel Comics property and because I like the name.
    scifiericashleytingerStarCruiserLizzy777JESbacksteptcaveat_imperatorCowardwibblesrspicerand 1 other.
  • Star Trek Models

    Thanks guys. B)

    Since many of the details of the ship weren't worked out before it was turned into a movie, I'm trying to find a balance between TOS and TMP for the details that aren't there on the drawings or incomplete model. I don't want to lean too much in one direction. Matt Jefferies thought not much on the ship should change, in fact he initially thought they were going to reuse the 11-foot model from TOS, so he only drew new warp engines and pylons at first. Of course, that wasn't the case as the original model was in the Smithsonian by then and they had no plans to use it anyway. Instead, a new model about half the size was being constructed for the new show. When he found that out, Jefferies continued work on the drawings to update the look, but he was starting go get to the point where Michael Landon was going to force him to choose between his work on Little House on the Prairie and Star Trek, so he quit Star Trek before it got to that point. As such, his drawings were never complete and the model was only 3/4 finished and was missing a lot of details when it was decided that the model wasn't up to the demands of motion picture work and that the design needed refined and a new model constructed.

    So, when it comes to missing details, I have to make a judgement call. I'm mostly going towards TOS, as Jefferies thought not much should change on the design. So, with the navigational deflector, which isn't on either the drawings or the model, I went with one that's more TOS style. However, to show that evolution to the TMP design, I set it almost flush with the housing and I made the pointy bit in the center shorter than it is on the TOS model. I did add the "rings" in the surface of the dish, both as a nod to TOS and to give it more detail without adding too much. I may experiment with lighting the dish when I get to the material stage.


    caveat_imperatorscifiericrojrenashleytingerAdmiral156StarCruiserRory1707wibbleLizzy777JESand 1 other.
  • Star Trek Models

    OK, I modified some of the glowy bits:

    ashleytingerscifiericrojrenStarCruiserAdmiral156Rory1707Lizzy777caveat_imperatorpubliusrwibbleand 1 other.
  • Star Trek Models

    The pylons are pretty much done. Since the model was never completed, nor were Jefferies' drawings, I'm content leaving them like this. Besides, they have basically the same detail as the TMP pylons minus the parts that make them blend into the engineering hull.

  • Star Trek Models

    Windows on the secondary hull and neck. These are the only windows that are on the Jefferies drawings, so I used the side view to get them where he drew them.


    One thing odd on the drawings is that Jefferies apparently drew one that's right by the hyphen in NCC-1701. I didn't put that one on there for obvious reasons. Also, there's a circle towards the fantail, but I'm going to make that a signal light like the one that's on the side of the TOS ship.
  • Star Trek Models

    I'm pretty sure this will do it for the secondary hull. At least, I don't think I forgot anything I plan to put on there.




    I didn't do the little sign that goes next to the warp pylon because, if I do it, I'll add it after I add the pylon. However, I have mixed feeling about that sign. The sign says:

    "Tail pipe socket adjustment access"

    However, that sign goes against the wishes of the designer. When he was designing the Enterprise, Matt Jefferies remembered being in WWII and having to leave his post to go fix something. He figured, by the time the show was supposed to take place, they would have devised a way to fix anything wrong with the ship from the inside. This makes sense, as the ship is in space and fixing something from the outside involves space walks in space suits. That sign indicates that someone has to do a space walk to adjust the tail pipe socket (whatever that is) from the outside. That makes no sense, as it should be accessible from the inside. Indeed, during the run of TOS, we never once saw Scotty suit up to do a repair, he and his team always fixed things from the inside, as did other members of the crew, such as Spock. So, I don't think I'll include that sign or the one or two others on the saucer.
    scifiericStarCruiserwibbleRory1707caveat_imperatorLizzy777Warp Propulsion LaboratoryBolianAdmiralJESwolfman