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How to make a model and to move the viewpoint in Blender?

WelditWeldit0 Posts: 0Member
Pretty much, How do I create, say, a simple 3 dimensional sweeping wing shape and how do I rotate the camera?
Post edited by Weldit on


  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Not sure what you mean on the first part, but to move and rotate the camera, select it with your right mouse button and then press the "G" or "R" buttons, "G" will grab the camera, then just move the mouse for general movement or type the axis "X, Y, or Z" to select a specific axis and then move with mouse or type exact demisions using the numbers. The "R" rotates the camera, same suggestions for rotating as for grabbing. If you want to reset the camera to dead center or if you get the thing so out of whack you need to reorient it, hit the "N" button. A menu pops up and you can change the settings to reset the camera. If you set the axises and rotations all to "0", the camera will go to the center of the screen and point straight down.

    As for the wing shape, do you mean like a triangle or an arc? Either way, everything in Blender is created from basic objects, such as cubes, cones, spheres, etc. If you hit the space bar, a menu will pop up and then select "ADD." If you are building a simple shape, select "MESH" next and then your shape.

    If you are just starting out, read the online manual, it helped me a lot whenI first started some years ago. Best advice I can gve is learn the keyboard shortcuts, it makes things a lot easier.

    Hope this helped.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    if you want to move your view around the model click with your mouse wheel or middle button and drag it around the screen to turn, scroll it to zoom. to move the actual camera use r key then x,y,z key to rotate about an axis and g key then x,y,z key to move along an axis.
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