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Local TutorialSmooth Panels [App unspecific]

MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
edited February 2009 in Tutorials #1
What I noticed a lot when people were adding panels to their excelsior models, or adding panels to a model in general, was that they would work their mesh to conform to the panel layout, then simply extrude polygons from the existing geometry:


If you are working with relatively high polygon counts it's not that apparent, if not the result will look like this though (exaggerated):


Every panel's borders are facing in a slightly different direction, accounting for the faceted look.

Having the panel lines run in between of the base mesh's lines however moves the gap between the panels to a flat surface:


Now the borders of the panels will always have the same orientation across the gaps, eliminating the extremely faceted look:


Of course this will increase the polycount (about 40% than the first method) but it looks better than doubling the segments and doing it the first way, which would consume 50% more polygons than the second method.

So planning your model to not have lines where there should be panel borders will make it look better with less polygons :)
Post edited by Melak on


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Hero! I feel like a Fool for not realising this before. Thanks!
  • FoehammerFoehammer0 Posts: 0Member
    I use 3d Max. ('09) How would I do put the panel lines in between the base geometry??
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    The "Connect" tool in edge subobject mode can be most helpful with that, just like the "Select Ring" tool. If none of these are applicable, regular cut & slice operations usually do the trick
  • FoehammerFoehammer0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks so much. Awesome tutorial! And thanks for the reply. <3
  • The ObserverThe Observer0 Posts: 0Member
    Yes, yes, yes! This was exactly what I was looking for. I just couldn't seem to find a way to avoid that damn 'faceted' style on my ship panels. Thanks! :thumb:
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    And for Max users, don't forget that you can add different smoothing to groups of polygons after making panels along the mesh lines. Saves a lot of polygons and keeps 'm smooth. :D
  • DavidChipmanDavidChipman171 Posts: 0Member
    What about Blender users? Or are we using N-gons here?
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    This should be applicable to all 3d packages, I don't know how you define smoothed or segmented surfaces in blender, but NGons are not required. Basically any detail you cut in, to extrude it or otherwise, should be kept as clear as possible of existing edges to prevent creasing and distorted smoothing.
  • DavidChipmanDavidChipman171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Melak, I'll try to remember that. But I am confused how you're getting edges in the middle of faces...
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